Seminars and halaqah
NU Congress to pre-XXXI
A. Background
"From the NU for the Nation: Building Indonesia's Clean and Dignity", says the big theme NU Congress to be held in November, later this year. This theme became one of the characters who have standards, that-meat for NU. Since the beginning of his birth in 1926, NU has devoted himself to the nation. NU is a socio-religious organizations that are at the vanguard in gaining independence and carry out the development.
In the era of reform and democratization that continues bergeliat and rolling with all the strengths and weakness, gait and the real role of NU's always awaited by the public. NU has enliven the existence of this nation. Even for the time being, NU became the determinant factor in determining the future of the nation. This is where the need for the formulation of a deep and fundamental about the role that should be done to this nation NU.
NU as the biggest bag of civil society is an enormous social capital to make changes towards a better order. This is where NU had to clarify its role for the nation is to maximize its role in strengthening society and the realization of national insight. Therefore, in order to reconstruct civil society needed to make a strong commitment of civil society as discourse and movement. In relation to the discourse, civil society should be able to arouse public awareness of the importance of independence, equality, equal rights and social justice. On the other hand, civil society must become a movement rooted in the middle of society, namely the process of empowerment, community empowerment and liberation.
Fall-rise and civil society in the homeland can be observed from powerlessness to move the discourse into a movement that is massive. Even just sort of happened pembenturan effort between the pockets of civil society. The research Centre of Islamic and Social Studies (PPIM) proves, that the civil society that has been to take the fight against the state, it becomes subject to repression of various political and ideological forces are going through a blossoming (Scholastic: 2002:307) disconnect the link between civil society as a discourse and movement, causing civil society is not functioning optimally.
NU as an activator of civil society will always highlighted the wider community, as far as the community itself as a force truly autonomous, not co-opted by political forces and to make efforts in the liberation of society. NU is expected to fill "empty space" civil society that is becoming obsolete many people.
For NU, there is no other way, except for a redesign (re-design) vision, mission and strategy to avoid the temptations of politics. Experience in the past is very clear, that in certain political partisanship would only drown the existence of NU. Conversely, a big attention to community empowerment will lead to resounding success, namely the growth of brilliant ideas that can promote social transformation and strengthening of civil society.
Big event, like the conference will be a vehicle for discussion and dialogue that is very effective in order to reflect and weigh the balance sheet of success and failure. If the conference in 1984 succeeded in designing a "return to khitah 1926", preferably to the XXXI conference should be used as an arena revitalization vision khitah 1926. Rejuvenation of these Khittah vision, which includes efforts to realize the nation from corruption, discrimination and other injustices.
Therefore, welcome to the celebration of the Synod NU XXXI we will undertake a number of activities, relating to the material socio-religious, organization and program. These activities will be formulated into the discussion material in the conference later.
The activities consist of pre-launch conference, seminars and workshops, among others:
NU Congress 1.Launching Intertwine in the XXI
These activities form serimoni opening pre-conference activities, which confirms to the public the main conference theme: "From the NU for the Nation: Making Indonesia's Clean and Dignity". This event will be held on Sunday, July 18 at the Hotel Saripan Pacific, Jakarta.
National 2.Seminar on "Development of Methodology of Islamic Law in the Standing Committee Decision Bahtsul Masa'il NU". This discussion is expected to translate more practical about the methodology of Islamic law-making in organizations NU has ever decided in the Ulamas Council (General Assembly) in Lampung, which is a method widely known as an imitation manhaji, namely the determination of law on various issues Diniyah (religious) based on the proposition naqli (Al-Quran and Hadith) and interpretation using Fiqh and Usul Fiqh Kaedah without ignoring the references will be al-pole al-wa al-mu'tabarah mu'tamadah from the works of classical scholars.
Development methodologies are considered important, because it is associated with birth order legal products that the visionary and contextual. In addition masail bahtsul expected to become one of the forums that can reach the issues that are not only concerned with matters of ritual, but also no less important are the social issues that are directly related to the actual and the fate of the wider community. This is where reform is needed imitation, which not only refers to qaul, but also to manhaj.
In various Muslim world, such as in Egypt, Syria and Morocco, even in Iran, though, the development methodology of Islamic law-making becomes an unavoidable necessity, because there is a demand to align between the methods and problems faced by contemporary society.
As for the grille in the seminar were:
a) Review manhaji dogmatic methodology in making Islamic law in the Standing Committee Masail Bathsul NU?
b) What are the critical notes on the methodology Bahtsul Masail which has been used in the NU environment?
c) Are there any alternative methodology in making Islamic law manhaji than imitation, which may be developed in the NU environment?
d) How should Bahtsul Masail methodology used in order to provide answers to social problems-populist who emerged in the midst of the community?
Activities will be held on:
Time: Monday, July 19th
Venue: Star Hotel, Jakarta
Speaker: KH. Ma'ruf Amien, Dr. Masyhuri Na'im, MA, Prof. Dr. Fathurrahman Jamil, KH. Masdar F. Mas'udi
Moderator: Cholil Nafis, MA
National 3.Seminar "Hermeneutics as Methodology in Understanding religious texts." In Islamic tradition, the study of texts, both primary texts and secondary texts, is a tradition which is regarded as a perfect study. Imam al-Zarkasyi in al-Burhan fi 'Ulum al-Quran, calling it: nadhajat wahtaraqat. Of course, this raises questions marks: true study of the text (read: interpretation) were closed tightly? Are there new hope to open the door of the study?
Sempurnya related study on the actual text of the sacred view of the sacred text. If the text is sacred, then automatically the interpretation of sacred texts is also sacred, so it was difficult to distinguish between sacred texts and understanding the sacred text. It was here, and religious interpretations less widely explored and experienced extraordinary kemandengan. Faced with no alternative text, unless al-khudhu ', al-wa al-ittiba inqiyad'.
Here, hermeneutics becomes important to be appointed to the surface related to two things. First, the response text. The question is: what kind of attitude that should be done by Muslims, when confronted with the text? Do follow all the messages contained in the letters and sentences the text? Or look for other aspects related to values, morality and the context in which the text is derived?
Second, the text and present context. Recognized that the conditions in which the text is derived by the context of Muslims today is different. This is where creative steps needed to ring a text that has relevance to the contemporary nuances.
These problems become a prevalent discourse discussed by students of contemporary Islam to bear on the Islamic method of understanding a more inclusive, pluralist, egalitarian and transformative.
The lattice of this seminar as follows:
a) What are the weak point of the text during this study?
b) Is it hermeneutic?
c) Could hermeneutics as an alternative method in the study of Islamic texts?
d) If possible, whether hermeneutics has a traditional basis in Islam?
e) If not possible, whether in conflict with scientific hermeneutics of Islam?
f) how the actual position and human relationships (the interpreter) with the sacred text?
g) Bagamaina actual relationship between text and context was built to give birth to a contextual understanding?
Activities will be held on:
Time: July 19, 2004
Venue: Star Hotel, Jakarta
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Amien Abdullah, KH. Afifuddin Muhajir, Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar, Ulil Abshar Abdalla
Moderator: Zuhairi Misrawi
C. Closing
Thus TOR is submitted to provide an explanation of the pre-conference activities. Other things we will explain later. For all the attention we extend our thanks.
NU Congress to pre-XXXI
A. Background
"From the NU for the Nation: Building Indonesia's Clean and Dignity", says the big theme NU Congress to be held in November, later this year. This theme became one of the characters who have standards, that-meat for NU. Since the beginning of his birth in 1926, NU has devoted himself to the nation. NU is a socio-religious organizations that are at the vanguard in gaining independence and carry out the development.
In the era of reform and democratization that continues bergeliat and rolling with all the strengths and weakness, gait and the real role of NU's always awaited by the public. NU has enliven the existence of this nation. Even for the time being, NU became the determinant factor in determining the future of the nation. This is where the need for the formulation of a deep and fundamental about the role that should be done to this nation NU.
NU as the biggest bag of civil society is an enormous social capital to make changes towards a better order. This is where NU had to clarify its role for the nation is to maximize its role in strengthening society and the realization of national insight. Therefore, in order to reconstruct civil society needed to make a strong commitment of civil society as discourse and movement. In relation to the discourse, civil society should be able to arouse public awareness of the importance of independence, equality, equal rights and social justice. On the other hand, civil society must become a movement rooted in the middle of society, namely the process of empowerment, community empowerment and liberation.
Fall-rise and civil society in the homeland can be observed from powerlessness to move the discourse into a movement that is massive. Even just sort of happened pembenturan effort between the pockets of civil society. The research Centre of Islamic and Social Studies (PPIM) proves, that the civil society that has been to take the fight against the state, it becomes subject to repression of various political and ideological forces are going through a blossoming (Scholastic: 2002:307) disconnect the link between civil society as a discourse and movement, causing civil society is not functioning optimally.
NU as an activator of civil society will always highlighted the wider community, as far as the community itself as a force truly autonomous, not co-opted by political forces and to make efforts in the liberation of society. NU is expected to fill "empty space" civil society that is becoming obsolete many people.
For NU, there is no other way, except for a redesign (re-design) vision, mission and strategy to avoid the temptations of politics. Experience in the past is very clear, that in certain political partisanship would only drown the existence of NU. Conversely, a big attention to community empowerment will lead to resounding success, namely the growth of brilliant ideas that can promote social transformation and strengthening of civil society.
Big event, like the conference will be a vehicle for discussion and dialogue that is very effective in order to reflect and weigh the balance sheet of success and failure. If the conference in 1984 succeeded in designing a "return to khitah 1926", preferably to the XXXI conference should be used as an arena revitalization vision khitah 1926. Rejuvenation of these Khittah vision, which includes efforts to realize the nation from corruption, discrimination and other injustices.
Therefore, welcome to the celebration of the Synod NU XXXI we will undertake a number of activities, relating to the material socio-religious, organization and program. These activities will be formulated into the discussion material in the conference later.
The activities consist of pre-launch conference, seminars and workshops, among others:
NU Congress 1.Launching Intertwine in the XXI
These activities form serimoni opening pre-conference activities, which confirms to the public the main conference theme: "From the NU for the Nation: Making Indonesia's Clean and Dignity". This event will be held on Sunday, July 18 at the Hotel Saripan Pacific, Jakarta.
National 2.Seminar on "Development of Methodology of Islamic Law in the Standing Committee Decision Bahtsul Masa'il NU". This discussion is expected to translate more practical about the methodology of Islamic law-making in organizations NU has ever decided in the Ulamas Council (General Assembly) in Lampung, which is a method widely known as an imitation manhaji, namely the determination of law on various issues Diniyah (religious) based on the proposition naqli (Al-Quran and Hadith) and interpretation using Fiqh and Usul Fiqh Kaedah without ignoring the references will be al-pole al-wa al-mu'tabarah mu'tamadah from the works of classical scholars.
Development methodologies are considered important, because it is associated with birth order legal products that the visionary and contextual. In addition masail bahtsul expected to become one of the forums that can reach the issues that are not only concerned with matters of ritual, but also no less important are the social issues that are directly related to the actual and the fate of the wider community. This is where reform is needed imitation, which not only refers to qaul, but also to manhaj.
In various Muslim world, such as in Egypt, Syria and Morocco, even in Iran, though, the development methodology of Islamic law-making becomes an unavoidable necessity, because there is a demand to align between the methods and problems faced by contemporary society.
As for the grille in the seminar were:
a) Review manhaji dogmatic methodology in making Islamic law in the Standing Committee Masail Bathsul NU?
b) What are the critical notes on the methodology Bahtsul Masail which has been used in the NU environment?
c) Are there any alternative methodology in making Islamic law manhaji than imitation, which may be developed in the NU environment?
d) How should Bahtsul Masail methodology used in order to provide answers to social problems-populist who emerged in the midst of the community?
Activities will be held on:
Time: Monday, July 19th
Venue: Star Hotel, Jakarta
Speaker: KH. Ma'ruf Amien, Dr. Masyhuri Na'im, MA, Prof. Dr. Fathurrahman Jamil, KH. Masdar F. Mas'udi
Moderator: Cholil Nafis, MA
National 3.Seminar "Hermeneutics as Methodology in Understanding religious texts." In Islamic tradition, the study of texts, both primary texts and secondary texts, is a tradition which is regarded as a perfect study. Imam al-Zarkasyi in al-Burhan fi 'Ulum al-Quran, calling it: nadhajat wahtaraqat. Of course, this raises questions marks: true study of the text (read: interpretation) were closed tightly? Are there new hope to open the door of the study?
Sempurnya related study on the actual text of the sacred view of the sacred text. If the text is sacred, then automatically the interpretation of sacred texts is also sacred, so it was difficult to distinguish between sacred texts and understanding the sacred text. It was here, and religious interpretations less widely explored and experienced extraordinary kemandengan. Faced with no alternative text, unless al-khudhu ', al-wa al-ittiba inqiyad'.
Here, hermeneutics becomes important to be appointed to the surface related to two things. First, the response text. The question is: what kind of attitude that should be done by Muslims, when confronted with the text? Do follow all the messages contained in the letters and sentences the text? Or look for other aspects related to values, morality and the context in which the text is derived?
Second, the text and present context. Recognized that the conditions in which the text is derived by the context of Muslims today is different. This is where creative steps needed to ring a text that has relevance to the contemporary nuances.
These problems become a prevalent discourse discussed by students of contemporary Islam to bear on the Islamic method of understanding a more inclusive, pluralist, egalitarian and transformative.
The lattice of this seminar as follows:
a) What are the weak point of the text during this study?
b) Is it hermeneutic?
c) Could hermeneutics as an alternative method in the study of Islamic texts?
d) If possible, whether hermeneutics has a traditional basis in Islam?
e) If not possible, whether in conflict with scientific hermeneutics of Islam?
f) how the actual position and human relationships (the interpreter) with the sacred text?
g) Bagamaina actual relationship between text and context was built to give birth to a contextual understanding?
Activities will be held on:
Time: July 19, 2004
Venue: Star Hotel, Jakarta
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Amien Abdullah, KH. Afifuddin Muhajir, Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar, Ulil Abshar Abdalla
Moderator: Zuhairi Misrawi
C. Closing
Thus TOR is submitted to provide an explanation of the pre-conference activities. Other things we will explain later. For all the attention we extend our thanks.
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