KH Muhammad Dahlan:
Although known as a traditional organization, it does not mean there are no updates in NU, NU is precisely the emergence of a reform movement within the students. Organization itself is a modern phenomenon, because in it are otomatif will encourage a variety of changes, and motor movement is very notable updates in addition to KH Wahid Hasyim is Kiai Muhammad Dahlan. If Kiai Wahid allow women judges, then in the NU Kiai Dahlan pioneered the establishment of the Moslem NU Women's organizations, even with his perseverance finally able to convince Kiai Hasyim and Kiai Wahab Hasbullah Ash'ari who ultimately supported the entire Nahdliyin.
When served as Minister of Religious Affairs (1967-1971), who pioneered the Kiai Dahlan consensus among religious believers to maintain harmony among each other. He also is credited with lifting thousands of religious teachers through Teacher Examination of Religion (UGA) post-1965 events as a consequence of increasingly realized that the development of communism because of lack of teaching of religious instruction in schools. Pasuruan son also wants to initiate the implementation of Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qur'an National level, as well as pioneered the establishment of Higher Studies of the Koran or PTIQ.
However Kiai Dahlan vigorously denied the presence GUPPI organization, known as a ploy to undermine the government when the NU strength from the center to the regions. Firmness of his attitude, which makes him without charges and would be removed as minister of religion.
Muhammad Dahlan was the third son of five children, was born on June 2, 1909, to coincide with the 14th Jumada al-Ula 1327 Hijri Mandaran Rejo village, Pasuruan, East Java. The village is situated on the coast, approximately three kilometers away from the town of Pasuruan. The majority of search-eyed villagers are fishermen fishing off the coast and fish farmers, making the land which lay in the village, mainly the plots of shrimp and milkfish. Management of pond inhabitants traditionally done, simply take advantage of the ebb and flow of the river flow through the village, which empties into the Madura Strait.
On the river's small Dahlan with their peers complain proficiency swim against the current of the river, or racing to find a stone thrown into a river.
Not to mention their teens years, Dahlan has been given the responsibility to maintain some of her grandfather's ponds. Usually a month before the pond is harvested, Dahlan must often wait pond at night. At that time, thefts often occur at night on ponds that are about to be harvested.
Dahlan's mother and father named Abdul Hamid and Chamsiyah, including parents who are very disciplined in instilling awareness in order to obey the son-daughter run the religious teachings. Five brothers results from wedding couples and Chamsiyah Abdul Hamid, two of them men, namely Muhammad Hashim as the oldest son and Muhammad Dahlan as the third son.
In addition yag guidance and directives received from his parents, the basics of education that would later color the complexion personality benyak Dahlan Siwalan Bannerman got from boarding school in Sidoarjo and Cane Ireng Pesantren in Jombang. In both of these boarding schools he also met with major figures such as KH NU. A. KH Wahid Hasyim and. Masykur. He took advantage of some of her childhood and teenage years to his religious knowledge and practice through social learning. So while still in their teens, Dahlan had been educated in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Together with his eldest brother, he diligently followed the study groups as previous scholars who mengukti waging around the yard Mecca Masjid Al-Harram. In the holy city, he studied various religious sciences, and to know the outside world in general who later became the stock in building their country especially when doing business in the NU.
NU forming Bangil
Dahlan appearance in the ring movement began in 1930. He was the figure who pioneered the establishment of branch organizations Bangil NU, and become its chairman. Five years later he was elected chairman of the NU branch of Pasuruan. Thanks to the leadership and integrity of personality he has, in the year 1936 he is believed to be the Consul sedah NU Region (region) which is located in East Java, Pasuruan.
Dahlan shown leadership style shows that he is a resilient and adept orgnisator arguing, so that it can convince the other person. One example that shows it proved when he attended the congress at XIII NU Menes, Banten, on 11-16 June 1938. At that time, one way in which branch of NU in the course of collecting funds for the benefit of the organization is to distribute electricity to a few charitable individuals, both NU and sympathizers.
In a council (meeting) IV congress of NU in Menes, Dahlan as the Consul of East Java Regional NU filed the proposal that the branches that carry electricity to the other branch's appropriation also includes the person as a courier who brought these lis, and went straight to the people who about to be asked dermanya. For Dahlan, the proposal is necessary because many branches he proposed that send lis dermanya without sufficient information. On the other hand, among the branches that receive a lot of the time edging is busy with other jobs that are not less important. Gunn And if most of the lis-lis may not be well cared for.
Dahlan proposals for this, assuming some branches refused if the proposal was implemented, would narrow the space for the branch. No less than KH. Zainul Arifin (NU leaders who had served as the Deputy Prime Minister), a leader of the trial at that time said that if the proposal is accepted if the congress, then worry about the nature of mutual help among the one with the other branches will be broken and missing. But Dahlan still try to defend his opinion. With the various arguments put forward, he insisted that his proposal be accepted. When done voting, proved that Dahlan was successful in convincing Congress participants.
Thrusters establishment NU
History records that the NU congress in 1938 Menes was a forum that has a special meaning for the process of organizational formation NU catalysis. Since its inception in 1926, NU is the only organization whose members are mere men. NU ulama at that time still believes that his time has not been active in women's organizations. The notion that a woman is enough space at home is still strong inherent in general NU at the time. It continues until there are enough warm polarization of opinion on whether the woman involved in the organization.
In the congress, for the first time a Muslimat NU appeared on the podium, talking about the need for NU women get equal rights with men in receiving religious education through the organization of NU. Verslag XIII NU congress notes: "On Wednesday DDO: June 15 '38 strike approximately 3 out dhohor has dilangsoengkan openbare vergadering (from Congress) for Kaoem mother, ...
About the Kaoem mother and father who holds the Kaoem leaders and government representatives is a separate one with the other with a linen border. "
Since the NU congress in Menes, women have been officially accepted into the NU although the nature of membership just as a listener and follower, without occupying the chair allowed stewardship. Things like that continued until Congress NU XV in Surabaya in 1940.
The congress took place fairly fierce discussion about the proposed Moslem who want to become part of its own, has its own stewardship in the body of NU. Dahlan including the parties are determined to fight to the proposal unacceptable congress participants. So sharpness of the pros and cons regarding acceptance of this proposal, so that the congress agreed to submit the case to the PB advisory to be decided.
The day before the congress was closed, a deal involving yet another Muslimat gained acceptance. Dahlanlah who are working hard to make such a declaration of acceptance to be signed Hadlratus Moslem Sheikh KH. Ash'ari and KH Hasyim. A. Wahab Hasbullah. Given a piece of paper as a sign of approval of NU's two major figures, the admissions process can go smoothly.
With A. Aziz Dijar, Dahlan reason, are fully involved in preparing the special rules that became the forerunner to the Articles of Association and Bylaws of NU in the future.
Simultaneously with the closing day of the congress XVI NU, NU organization was formally constituted, precisely dated March 29, 1946 / 26 Rabi-End 1365. As a chairman chosen origin Pasuruan Chadidjah Dahlan, the wife of Dahlan. He is one of NU's women in the neighborhood for two years. In October 1948, Rahmatullah Chadidjah Dahlan to die and leave my beloved husband preceded Muslimat, where he was fighting for the dignity of his people in the NU environment.
Betrothed to Aisha
Indonesian Islamic Youth Movement (GPII), a political youth organization in the field below Masyumi, the fourth congress held on 20-22 March 1950 in Semarang. One of the participants named Aisha, Padang Pariaman girl who was then serving as chairman of GPII-Princess of West Sumatra. After attending the congress, Aisha and some friends took shelter in Jakarta, since hearing the news that the Ministry of Religious Affairs was in need of new employees. Through H. Aboebakar (Ministry of Religious Affairs staff) got the information that Ministers of Religion KH. A. Wahid Hasyim require additional staff will be stationed at the secretariat.
For Ayesha, working in the Ministry of Religious Affairs is very interesting heart. In addition to the many friends who had previously worked there, he also hoped to live in big cities, will add his experience involved in the organization, serving the interests of the wider community.
Since becoming a staff secretariat KH. A. Wahid Hasyim, not infrequently Ayesha follow meetings held in Jakarta, NU. Organizational interests and passion as if to get the container supply and increasing, when KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah willing to offer him to be actively involved in NU. Is KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah also that after observing and assessing appropriateness of personality Ayesha, dared to set her up with Dahlan.
In the eyes of Aisha, the honesty that comes from Dahlan has exude personality in her own admiration. Which though it looks simple, always dapper in a suit and cap he wore pentalon are always skewed to the left. The look on his face that exudes brightness, adding to her physical presence as if the figure is much younger than actual age. And thanks to the "persistence" KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah in bringing two hearts belong to Aisha and Dahlan, bersandinglah both at the wedding in early 1951.
Elected Chairman
Gait Dahlan on the national stage began in 1941 by becoming a member of the Council of the Islamic Assembly of A'la Indonesia (MIAI) located in Surabaya. In the year 1945 when Masyumi founded, he became a member of Party Leadership Council until 1952, when NU broke away from Masyumi. Dahlan was also briefly a member of the Central Indonesian National Committee in Yogyakarta in 1946.
In XX NU congress in Surabaya in 1954, he was elected as Chairman of the NU Tanfidziah. Through the party he leads, he also sits as a member of the constituency until 1959. A year later, the Council of People's Representatives-Mutual Cooperation was formed and Dahlan was appointed a member. But the appointment was rejected by reason of formation of these institutions do not give opportunity to the opposition.
Through a presidential decree number 171/1967, issued on October 11, 1967, Dahlan was trusted to assume office as Minister of Religious Affairs in the Cabinet tahin I until 1971. After becoming a minister, he sat as a member of the Supreme Advisory Council until his death.
When he began serving as Minister of Religious Affairs, inter-religious harmony is not so good condition. Dissolution of the PKI by the government declared the party illegal, and the arrest of his followers, more or less has caused many people increasingly diligent in visiting the houses of worship, solely in order not to be accused as members of the PKI. Such circumstances encourage their respective religious (Islamic and Christian groups) more incentive to do the activities of religious propaganda.
Relations between adherents of a religion is turned into a tension, when the group is an attractive one to spread his religion to another group. The tension was not uncommon to continue to be incidents of physical violence. In Ujungpandang, a church destroyed by the Islamic people as a result of a Christian leader in the city who insulted the Prophet Muhammad.
In Aceh, a newly built church was not allowed to be opened by the local government, because the people of Aceh are not memperkenankannya. This case in Aceh had raised Protestant and Catholic Christian faction in the DPR-GR forum, so that gave birth to what are known as "interpellation Simorangkir" on June 7, 1967. The government answered interpellation (then conveyed by KH. Saifuddin Zuhri as Minister of Religion) and acceptable. In Jakarta, Bukittinggi, Central Java, East Java, Manado, Flores, going efforts of the church demolished by the local community.
In this atmosphere, Dahlan as Minister of Religious Affairs took the initiative Interfaith Council held on 30 November 1967, aims to find a way out so that the events of inter-religious intolerance was not repeated, so that harmony among religious believers can be built well. The Council was among others attended by DR. T. B. Simatupang, Ben Mang Reng Say, Mr. A. M. Tambunan faction representing the Christian and KH. Masykur, M. Natsir, DR. H.M. Rasyidi representing Islamic groups.
Minister of Religious KH. M. Dahlan yang memimpn the meeting points of mind proposed plan approval, which essentially is that the religious propaganda is not done with the aim of increasing the number of adherents of each religion, but held to deepen the understanding and practice of religion respectively. The spread of religion should not be done on a community that has a clear majority has adopted a particular religion, but done in regions whose inhabitants have not embraced a religion.
The approval of the plan, either group of Islamic and Hindu Balinese groups can accept. But the reason that Jesus Christ has commanded that propagate Christianity throughout the world, the Christian faction refused rangcangan such consent, it still can not agree with the Christian party.
Legal Problems debate
In the scientific field, Dahlan was seen prominently in the jurisprudence of disciplines is supported by a collection of books that were owned, most of which are the books of fiqh. That causes Dahlan very moderate in view of differences of opinion occurred among the schools of the priests. He appears to be rigid with certain schools of opinion in determining whether a legal opinion so far was judged quite argumentative.
In 1969, the Minister of Religious Affairs Dahlan got an invitation MIC Muslims scientific meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to discuss about see the moon (to determine when the beginning of the fasting month, Idul Fitri and Idul Adha) and beverages are forbidden. Dahlan and asked his staff, Prof. KH. Ibrahim Hosen (then as Head of Public Relations and Foreign Relations Ministry of Religious Affairs). In the paper it was stated that the legal drinking beer is khilafiyah, ie there is a difference of opinion among priests in establishing schools of law-haram halalnya. Described in these, the usual conclusion drawn from schools of opinion about the priests were forbidden drink that wine, that is made from the juice of grapes that have a hard and stimulating properties, the legal drinking them is haram, whether intoxicating or not, drink a lot or a little.
The muskir (known by the term nabidz) are liquor made from grape juice in addition, has a strong and stimulating properties, the legal drinking them is haram if it reached heady levels. The whole school of scholars priests would agree those two things. Differences of opinion arise when determining the legal drinking at levels that do not nabidz intoxicating (not to get drunk).
On this last issue, Imam Malik believes the ruling a major sin, shall be subject to peminumnya Had (the law of the whip), and his testimony is rejected. According to Imam Shafi'i and Maliki among some argue that the ruling little sins. Had Peminumnya and bears no testimony received. The Imam Abu Hanifa declared innocent. Some Hanafi scholars believe may drink a little and that is not intoxicating, when it was for the purpose of adding strength in jihad and other sebagainnya, not for Spree - Spree. Given the beer is made from grape juice in addition to, and should therefore he entered nabidz category, then the law does not drink at levels that are khilafiyah intoxicating.
Kiai Dahlan received a completely over the paper and be accountable on behalf of himself as a Minister of Religion. According to him, reviews proposed in this paper is based on the opinions of the scholars in the book - the book of fiqh.
In his capacity as Minister of Religious Affairs, together with Prof. Dahlan. KH. Ibrahim Hosen is the initiator of the first implementation of Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) National Level for the first time held in Ujungpandang. Both also shared - the same KH. Zaini Miftah, KH. Ali Masyhar and Prof. DR. H.A. Mukti Ali on January 23, 1970 forming Ulumuddin Ihya Foundation, which a year later pioneered the establishment of Higher Education Al-Quran Sciences (PTIQ), a college that specifically teaches the art of reading and memorizing the Qur'an and study the sciences that in it.
Treating toothache
A young man's 30-year-old was sitting diligently reviewing a number of books in Arabic after Taraweeh prayers during Ramadan in 1939. Heavy rain since leaving maghrib had enough cold air, which exhaled a light breeze in the middle of the night at around 22:00.
- Then a voice greeting accompanied by a knock on the door a sign of a guest. After returned the greeting, the young man invites his guest into the house. While to remember who the new guest was first seen, the young man watched the guest figure physique. After introducing myself, know now that his guest host, a sister of his friend when he started his education at boarding school Siwalan Panji - Sidoarjo. The guest told of his arrival meant that since three days ago he suffered from toothache, and since it's off the maghrib had become increasingly likely. On the advice of his sister, he intended to ask host's willingness to heal the sick tooth.
With pleasure sahibul stanza expressed willingness to meet his guest request. He then went into his room and was soon out, carrying a tool with a nail bat. From his room, he walked toward the kitchen, take a glass of water from the jars are available there. Walking over to the guest who sat in the front room. The host explained that he would try to eliminate tooth pain suffered by the guest. Essentially affirmed God the Penciptalah can cure a disease, is it only as an intermediary who will seek and ask HER keridlaan alleviate the pain suffered.
After throwing his body into the chair in front of his guests, youth Dachlan recite a few sentences of prayer that has been memorized by rote. After praying, he then lets his guests drank a glass of water that had been brought. Then he took a nail ... ... .. and repeatedly rubbed into the nail shaft bottom cheeks guest. Having felt enough, the young man into one of the existing wood pole in his house, then memakukannya up stuck there.
The next day, the guests returned to the house while the young man and never stop - cease to thank you for helping the host, he reported that since the incident last night, his teeth do not feel sick anymore. This is a particularity of a scholar in addition to providing legal fatwas, scientific explanation is also required to provide treatment and if necessary have the supernatural ability to deal with criminals.
NU figures from the MIC Dahlan Pasuruan East Java that has the attitude of precision and accuracy in many respects. Among NU, there are at least three major characters are named Dahlan, who had been instrumental in contributing energy and ideas in building and developing the organization and the nation NU especially Indonesia in general.
Dahlan is the first KH. Ahmad Dahlan from Kebon Dalem, Surabaya. He is Vice-Rois figure who became the first NU Akbar Sheikh KH accompany Hadratus. Hashim Ash'ari. The second is the KH Dahlan. Dahlan bin Abdul Qahar from Kertosono. These figures in addition to having the depth of religious knowledge, also controls a broad general knowledge and is fluent in Dutch. In the early 20th century, among all NU leaders in those days, only KH. Kertosono and KH Dahlan. Muhammad Ilyas who had attended the HIS and menamatkannya. The third is the KH Dahlan. Muhammad Dahlan that some versions of his life you are now reading this right now.
Kiai Dahlan habit that never left since settled in Pasuruan to move to Jakarta was reading the Book of Dalail Khairat after Fajr prayer until the Dhuha or after the maghrib prayers until Isha Prayers, unless there are guests or other events.
On February 1, 1977, finished reading the book that it is always fro, KH. Muhammad Dahlan to Rahmatullah perished forever. Almaghfurullah leave H. Aisyah Dahlan, his beloved wife and Dr. Aida Sofiati, Hafidz Dahlan SE, Ir. Diah Fauziah, Ir. Hamdan Purnama MBA, is the son of his fourth daughter whom he loved. His remains were interred at the Heroes Cemetery Kalibata, a form of government recognition for its services - services in the participating developing nations Indonesia.
Although known as a traditional organization, it does not mean there are no updates in NU, NU is precisely the emergence of a reform movement within the students. Organization itself is a modern phenomenon, because in it are otomatif will encourage a variety of changes, and motor movement is very notable updates in addition to KH Wahid Hasyim is Kiai Muhammad Dahlan. If Kiai Wahid allow women judges, then in the NU Kiai Dahlan pioneered the establishment of the Moslem NU Women's organizations, even with his perseverance finally able to convince Kiai Hasyim and Kiai Wahab Hasbullah Ash'ari who ultimately supported the entire Nahdliyin.
When served as Minister of Religious Affairs (1967-1971), who pioneered the Kiai Dahlan consensus among religious believers to maintain harmony among each other. He also is credited with lifting thousands of religious teachers through Teacher Examination of Religion (UGA) post-1965 events as a consequence of increasingly realized that the development of communism because of lack of teaching of religious instruction in schools. Pasuruan son also wants to initiate the implementation of Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qur'an National level, as well as pioneered the establishment of Higher Studies of the Koran or PTIQ.
However Kiai Dahlan vigorously denied the presence GUPPI organization, known as a ploy to undermine the government when the NU strength from the center to the regions. Firmness of his attitude, which makes him without charges and would be removed as minister of religion.
Muhammad Dahlan was the third son of five children, was born on June 2, 1909, to coincide with the 14th Jumada al-Ula 1327 Hijri Mandaran Rejo village, Pasuruan, East Java. The village is situated on the coast, approximately three kilometers away from the town of Pasuruan. The majority of search-eyed villagers are fishermen fishing off the coast and fish farmers, making the land which lay in the village, mainly the plots of shrimp and milkfish. Management of pond inhabitants traditionally done, simply take advantage of the ebb and flow of the river flow through the village, which empties into the Madura Strait.
On the river's small Dahlan with their peers complain proficiency swim against the current of the river, or racing to find a stone thrown into a river.
Not to mention their teens years, Dahlan has been given the responsibility to maintain some of her grandfather's ponds. Usually a month before the pond is harvested, Dahlan must often wait pond at night. At that time, thefts often occur at night on ponds that are about to be harvested.
Dahlan's mother and father named Abdul Hamid and Chamsiyah, including parents who are very disciplined in instilling awareness in order to obey the son-daughter run the religious teachings. Five brothers results from wedding couples and Chamsiyah Abdul Hamid, two of them men, namely Muhammad Hashim as the oldest son and Muhammad Dahlan as the third son.
In addition yag guidance and directives received from his parents, the basics of education that would later color the complexion personality benyak Dahlan Siwalan Bannerman got from boarding school in Sidoarjo and Cane Ireng Pesantren in Jombang. In both of these boarding schools he also met with major figures such as KH NU. A. KH Wahid Hasyim and. Masykur. He took advantage of some of her childhood and teenage years to his religious knowledge and practice through social learning. So while still in their teens, Dahlan had been educated in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Together with his eldest brother, he diligently followed the study groups as previous scholars who mengukti waging around the yard Mecca Masjid Al-Harram. In the holy city, he studied various religious sciences, and to know the outside world in general who later became the stock in building their country especially when doing business in the NU.
NU forming Bangil
Dahlan appearance in the ring movement began in 1930. He was the figure who pioneered the establishment of branch organizations Bangil NU, and become its chairman. Five years later he was elected chairman of the NU branch of Pasuruan. Thanks to the leadership and integrity of personality he has, in the year 1936 he is believed to be the Consul sedah NU Region (region) which is located in East Java, Pasuruan.
Dahlan shown leadership style shows that he is a resilient and adept orgnisator arguing, so that it can convince the other person. One example that shows it proved when he attended the congress at XIII NU Menes, Banten, on 11-16 June 1938. At that time, one way in which branch of NU in the course of collecting funds for the benefit of the organization is to distribute electricity to a few charitable individuals, both NU and sympathizers.
In a council (meeting) IV congress of NU in Menes, Dahlan as the Consul of East Java Regional NU filed the proposal that the branches that carry electricity to the other branch's appropriation also includes the person as a courier who brought these lis, and went straight to the people who about to be asked dermanya. For Dahlan, the proposal is necessary because many branches he proposed that send lis dermanya without sufficient information. On the other hand, among the branches that receive a lot of the time edging is busy with other jobs that are not less important. Gunn And if most of the lis-lis may not be well cared for.
Dahlan proposals for this, assuming some branches refused if the proposal was implemented, would narrow the space for the branch. No less than KH. Zainul Arifin (NU leaders who had served as the Deputy Prime Minister), a leader of the trial at that time said that if the proposal is accepted if the congress, then worry about the nature of mutual help among the one with the other branches will be broken and missing. But Dahlan still try to defend his opinion. With the various arguments put forward, he insisted that his proposal be accepted. When done voting, proved that Dahlan was successful in convincing Congress participants.
Thrusters establishment NU
History records that the NU congress in 1938 Menes was a forum that has a special meaning for the process of organizational formation NU catalysis. Since its inception in 1926, NU is the only organization whose members are mere men. NU ulama at that time still believes that his time has not been active in women's organizations. The notion that a woman is enough space at home is still strong inherent in general NU at the time. It continues until there are enough warm polarization of opinion on whether the woman involved in the organization.
In the congress, for the first time a Muslimat NU appeared on the podium, talking about the need for NU women get equal rights with men in receiving religious education through the organization of NU. Verslag XIII NU congress notes: "On Wednesday DDO: June 15 '38 strike approximately 3 out dhohor has dilangsoengkan openbare vergadering (from Congress) for Kaoem mother, ...
About the Kaoem mother and father who holds the Kaoem leaders and government representatives is a separate one with the other with a linen border. "
Since the NU congress in Menes, women have been officially accepted into the NU although the nature of membership just as a listener and follower, without occupying the chair allowed stewardship. Things like that continued until Congress NU XV in Surabaya in 1940.
The congress took place fairly fierce discussion about the proposed Moslem who want to become part of its own, has its own stewardship in the body of NU. Dahlan including the parties are determined to fight to the proposal unacceptable congress participants. So sharpness of the pros and cons regarding acceptance of this proposal, so that the congress agreed to submit the case to the PB advisory to be decided.
The day before the congress was closed, a deal involving yet another Muslimat gained acceptance. Dahlanlah who are working hard to make such a declaration of acceptance to be signed Hadlratus Moslem Sheikh KH. Ash'ari and KH Hasyim. A. Wahab Hasbullah. Given a piece of paper as a sign of approval of NU's two major figures, the admissions process can go smoothly.
With A. Aziz Dijar, Dahlan reason, are fully involved in preparing the special rules that became the forerunner to the Articles of Association and Bylaws of NU in the future.
Simultaneously with the closing day of the congress XVI NU, NU organization was formally constituted, precisely dated March 29, 1946 / 26 Rabi-End 1365. As a chairman chosen origin Pasuruan Chadidjah Dahlan, the wife of Dahlan. He is one of NU's women in the neighborhood for two years. In October 1948, Rahmatullah Chadidjah Dahlan to die and leave my beloved husband preceded Muslimat, where he was fighting for the dignity of his people in the NU environment.
Betrothed to Aisha
Indonesian Islamic Youth Movement (GPII), a political youth organization in the field below Masyumi, the fourth congress held on 20-22 March 1950 in Semarang. One of the participants named Aisha, Padang Pariaman girl who was then serving as chairman of GPII-Princess of West Sumatra. After attending the congress, Aisha and some friends took shelter in Jakarta, since hearing the news that the Ministry of Religious Affairs was in need of new employees. Through H. Aboebakar (Ministry of Religious Affairs staff) got the information that Ministers of Religion KH. A. Wahid Hasyim require additional staff will be stationed at the secretariat.
For Ayesha, working in the Ministry of Religious Affairs is very interesting heart. In addition to the many friends who had previously worked there, he also hoped to live in big cities, will add his experience involved in the organization, serving the interests of the wider community.
Since becoming a staff secretariat KH. A. Wahid Hasyim, not infrequently Ayesha follow meetings held in Jakarta, NU. Organizational interests and passion as if to get the container supply and increasing, when KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah willing to offer him to be actively involved in NU. Is KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah also that after observing and assessing appropriateness of personality Ayesha, dared to set her up with Dahlan.
In the eyes of Aisha, the honesty that comes from Dahlan has exude personality in her own admiration. Which though it looks simple, always dapper in a suit and cap he wore pentalon are always skewed to the left. The look on his face that exudes brightness, adding to her physical presence as if the figure is much younger than actual age. And thanks to the "persistence" KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah in bringing two hearts belong to Aisha and Dahlan, bersandinglah both at the wedding in early 1951.
Elected Chairman
Gait Dahlan on the national stage began in 1941 by becoming a member of the Council of the Islamic Assembly of A'la Indonesia (MIAI) located in Surabaya. In the year 1945 when Masyumi founded, he became a member of Party Leadership Council until 1952, when NU broke away from Masyumi. Dahlan was also briefly a member of the Central Indonesian National Committee in Yogyakarta in 1946.
In XX NU congress in Surabaya in 1954, he was elected as Chairman of the NU Tanfidziah. Through the party he leads, he also sits as a member of the constituency until 1959. A year later, the Council of People's Representatives-Mutual Cooperation was formed and Dahlan was appointed a member. But the appointment was rejected by reason of formation of these institutions do not give opportunity to the opposition.
Through a presidential decree number 171/1967, issued on October 11, 1967, Dahlan was trusted to assume office as Minister of Religious Affairs in the Cabinet tahin I until 1971. After becoming a minister, he sat as a member of the Supreme Advisory Council until his death.
When he began serving as Minister of Religious Affairs, inter-religious harmony is not so good condition. Dissolution of the PKI by the government declared the party illegal, and the arrest of his followers, more or less has caused many people increasingly diligent in visiting the houses of worship, solely in order not to be accused as members of the PKI. Such circumstances encourage their respective religious (Islamic and Christian groups) more incentive to do the activities of religious propaganda.
Relations between adherents of a religion is turned into a tension, when the group is an attractive one to spread his religion to another group. The tension was not uncommon to continue to be incidents of physical violence. In Ujungpandang, a church destroyed by the Islamic people as a result of a Christian leader in the city who insulted the Prophet Muhammad.
In Aceh, a newly built church was not allowed to be opened by the local government, because the people of Aceh are not memperkenankannya. This case in Aceh had raised Protestant and Catholic Christian faction in the DPR-GR forum, so that gave birth to what are known as "interpellation Simorangkir" on June 7, 1967. The government answered interpellation (then conveyed by KH. Saifuddin Zuhri as Minister of Religion) and acceptable. In Jakarta, Bukittinggi, Central Java, East Java, Manado, Flores, going efforts of the church demolished by the local community.
In this atmosphere, Dahlan as Minister of Religious Affairs took the initiative Interfaith Council held on 30 November 1967, aims to find a way out so that the events of inter-religious intolerance was not repeated, so that harmony among religious believers can be built well. The Council was among others attended by DR. T. B. Simatupang, Ben Mang Reng Say, Mr. A. M. Tambunan faction representing the Christian and KH. Masykur, M. Natsir, DR. H.M. Rasyidi representing Islamic groups.
Minister of Religious KH. M. Dahlan yang memimpn the meeting points of mind proposed plan approval, which essentially is that the religious propaganda is not done with the aim of increasing the number of adherents of each religion, but held to deepen the understanding and practice of religion respectively. The spread of religion should not be done on a community that has a clear majority has adopted a particular religion, but done in regions whose inhabitants have not embraced a religion.
The approval of the plan, either group of Islamic and Hindu Balinese groups can accept. But the reason that Jesus Christ has commanded that propagate Christianity throughout the world, the Christian faction refused rangcangan such consent, it still can not agree with the Christian party.
Legal Problems debate
In the scientific field, Dahlan was seen prominently in the jurisprudence of disciplines is supported by a collection of books that were owned, most of which are the books of fiqh. That causes Dahlan very moderate in view of differences of opinion occurred among the schools of the priests. He appears to be rigid with certain schools of opinion in determining whether a legal opinion so far was judged quite argumentative.
In 1969, the Minister of Religious Affairs Dahlan got an invitation MIC Muslims scientific meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to discuss about see the moon (to determine when the beginning of the fasting month, Idul Fitri and Idul Adha) and beverages are forbidden. Dahlan and asked his staff, Prof. KH. Ibrahim Hosen (then as Head of Public Relations and Foreign Relations Ministry of Religious Affairs). In the paper it was stated that the legal drinking beer is khilafiyah, ie there is a difference of opinion among priests in establishing schools of law-haram halalnya. Described in these, the usual conclusion drawn from schools of opinion about the priests were forbidden drink that wine, that is made from the juice of grapes that have a hard and stimulating properties, the legal drinking them is haram, whether intoxicating or not, drink a lot or a little.
The muskir (known by the term nabidz) are liquor made from grape juice in addition, has a strong and stimulating properties, the legal drinking them is haram if it reached heady levels. The whole school of scholars priests would agree those two things. Differences of opinion arise when determining the legal drinking at levels that do not nabidz intoxicating (not to get drunk).
On this last issue, Imam Malik believes the ruling a major sin, shall be subject to peminumnya Had (the law of the whip), and his testimony is rejected. According to Imam Shafi'i and Maliki among some argue that the ruling little sins. Had Peminumnya and bears no testimony received. The Imam Abu Hanifa declared innocent. Some Hanafi scholars believe may drink a little and that is not intoxicating, when it was for the purpose of adding strength in jihad and other sebagainnya, not for Spree - Spree. Given the beer is made from grape juice in addition to, and should therefore he entered nabidz category, then the law does not drink at levels that are khilafiyah intoxicating.
Kiai Dahlan received a completely over the paper and be accountable on behalf of himself as a Minister of Religion. According to him, reviews proposed in this paper is based on the opinions of the scholars in the book - the book of fiqh.
In his capacity as Minister of Religious Affairs, together with Prof. Dahlan. KH. Ibrahim Hosen is the initiator of the first implementation of Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) National Level for the first time held in Ujungpandang. Both also shared - the same KH. Zaini Miftah, KH. Ali Masyhar and Prof. DR. H.A. Mukti Ali on January 23, 1970 forming Ulumuddin Ihya Foundation, which a year later pioneered the establishment of Higher Education Al-Quran Sciences (PTIQ), a college that specifically teaches the art of reading and memorizing the Qur'an and study the sciences that in it.
Treating toothache
A young man's 30-year-old was sitting diligently reviewing a number of books in Arabic after Taraweeh prayers during Ramadan in 1939. Heavy rain since leaving maghrib had enough cold air, which exhaled a light breeze in the middle of the night at around 22:00.
- Then a voice greeting accompanied by a knock on the door a sign of a guest. After returned the greeting, the young man invites his guest into the house. While to remember who the new guest was first seen, the young man watched the guest figure physique. After introducing myself, know now that his guest host, a sister of his friend when he started his education at boarding school Siwalan Panji - Sidoarjo. The guest told of his arrival meant that since three days ago he suffered from toothache, and since it's off the maghrib had become increasingly likely. On the advice of his sister, he intended to ask host's willingness to heal the sick tooth.
With pleasure sahibul stanza expressed willingness to meet his guest request. He then went into his room and was soon out, carrying a tool with a nail bat. From his room, he walked toward the kitchen, take a glass of water from the jars are available there. Walking over to the guest who sat in the front room. The host explained that he would try to eliminate tooth pain suffered by the guest. Essentially affirmed God the Penciptalah can cure a disease, is it only as an intermediary who will seek and ask HER keridlaan alleviate the pain suffered.
After throwing his body into the chair in front of his guests, youth Dachlan recite a few sentences of prayer that has been memorized by rote. After praying, he then lets his guests drank a glass of water that had been brought. Then he took a nail ... ... .. and repeatedly rubbed into the nail shaft bottom cheeks guest. Having felt enough, the young man into one of the existing wood pole in his house, then memakukannya up stuck there.
The next day, the guests returned to the house while the young man and never stop - cease to thank you for helping the host, he reported that since the incident last night, his teeth do not feel sick anymore. This is a particularity of a scholar in addition to providing legal fatwas, scientific explanation is also required to provide treatment and if necessary have the supernatural ability to deal with criminals.
NU figures from the MIC Dahlan Pasuruan East Java that has the attitude of precision and accuracy in many respects. Among NU, there are at least three major characters are named Dahlan, who had been instrumental in contributing energy and ideas in building and developing the organization and the nation NU especially Indonesia in general.
Dahlan is the first KH. Ahmad Dahlan from Kebon Dalem, Surabaya. He is Vice-Rois figure who became the first NU Akbar Sheikh KH accompany Hadratus. Hashim Ash'ari. The second is the KH Dahlan. Dahlan bin Abdul Qahar from Kertosono. These figures in addition to having the depth of religious knowledge, also controls a broad general knowledge and is fluent in Dutch. In the early 20th century, among all NU leaders in those days, only KH. Kertosono and KH Dahlan. Muhammad Ilyas who had attended the HIS and menamatkannya. The third is the KH Dahlan. Muhammad Dahlan that some versions of his life you are now reading this right now.
Kiai Dahlan habit that never left since settled in Pasuruan to move to Jakarta was reading the Book of Dalail Khairat after Fajr prayer until the Dhuha or after the maghrib prayers until Isha Prayers, unless there are guests or other events.
On February 1, 1977, finished reading the book that it is always fro, KH. Muhammad Dahlan to Rahmatullah perished forever. Almaghfurullah leave H. Aisyah Dahlan, his beloved wife and Dr. Aida Sofiati, Hafidz Dahlan SE, Ir. Diah Fauziah, Ir. Hamdan Purnama MBA, is the son of his fourth daughter whom he loved. His remains were interred at the Heroes Cemetery Kalibata, a form of government recognition for its services - services in the participating developing nations Indonesia.
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