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Tuesday, April 20, 2010



Understanding Nahdlatul 'Ulama (NU) as jam'iyah Diniyah accurately, not enough just by looking at the formal Sudy since she was born, since long before the NU was born in bntuk jam'iah (organization), he first is already present in the form of JAMA' ah (community) is bound strongly by religious social activities with certain characteristics. Birth jami'yah NU mewadahai something essentially similar existing goods, or in other words, the birth of NU as a religious organization is a formal assertion of an informal mechanism of the scholars' (followers of ideology bermazhab) who was and walked away before.
Such assumptions are based on historical events gathering the ulama'terkemuka 1) on January 31, 1926 in Kampung Surabaya Kertopaten. The meeting aims to discuss and in addition appoint committee delegation hijaz2) (delegates who would be sent to deliver a message to King Abdul Aziz Ibn Sa'ud in Saudi Arabia), also spontaneously to answer the question: who is entitled to send delegates?, What organizations which acts as a giver of the mandate of the delegation?
The answer that emerged when it was an agreement to form an agreement to. Membenuk a jam'iyah organsasi which will become a place for unity and struggle of the scholars at that time there was a debate about a suitable name for the new jam'iyah, ramun ahirnya agreed name "NAHDLATUL'ULAMA" yangberati kebagkitan scholars.
Dpihnya name based on the KH Mas usualan Alwi bin Abul Aziz with the argument that the clergy is not new mulaiatau rose, but the resurrection is the resurrection of old and even had to move far sebelu there were signs will trbentuknya Hijaz own committee. Only revival or movement of 'ulama kalaitu did not neatly organized. On that basis, KH Mas Alwi jam'iyah scholars suggested that it was given the name 'Nahdlatul' ulama 'to perform the unison of the scholars in nytang suatugerakan jointly organized "proposal was accepted by acclamation the stretcher so that the day's date 16 Rajab 1344h. 31 January 1926 coincided with the birth designated as NU.

1.yang in mean is, 'the scholars who at that time had strong influence in national and local.mereka gathered at the house of a wahap hazbulloh kh KH Hasyim as'arie them - handsome, kh Bisri syamsurie - handsome, kh Asnawi - holy , Pasuruan nawawie kh, kh mercy semarang, infallible-Lasem kh, kh-nahrawie

Both mental backwardness, as well as the Indonesian economy suffered as a result of colonialism as well as due to the confines of tradition, has arouse the consciousness of the educated to fight for the dignity of this nation, through education and organization of the road. The movement that emerged in 1908 is known as the National Awakening. Continue to spread the spirit of resurrection is everywhere-once aware of the suffering of indigenous people and catch up with other nations, as the answer, there arose various educational organizations and liberation.
Among boarding schools that have been determined against colonialism, responded by forming the National Revival movement organizations, such as Nahdlatut Wathan (Rise of the Homeland) was founded in 1916, followed in 1918 Taswirul Afkar or also known as Fikri Nahdlatul (Awakening Mind), as a vehicle of social and political education religious and the students. From there then established Nahdlatut Tujjar, (the movement of the sudagar) union was used as a basis for improving the people's economy. With the Nahdlatul Tujjar, then Taswirul Afkar, in addition to appearing as a study kemompok also become the institution is growing very rapidly and has branches in several cities.
When King Ibn Saud wanted to apply a single principle that Wahabi sect in Mecca, and to destroy all relics of pre-Islamic and Islamic history, which during many diziarahi because it was considered heresy. The idea of the Wahhabi gets a warm welcome from the modernists in Indonesia, well below the Muhammadiyah Chairman Ahmad Dahlan and PSII in the leadership of HOS Tjokroaminoto bahwah. Conversely among boarding schools who had been defending diversity, reject pembatasa bermazhab and the destruction of civilization heritage.
With a different attitude among boarding schools were excluded from Congressman Al Islam in Yogyakarta in 1925, resulting in the boarding schools are also not involved as a delegate in Mu'tamar 'Alam Islami (Islamic Congress International) in Mecca that will legitimize the decision.
Driven by a persistent interest bermazhab freedom to create and care about preserving the legacy of civilization, the Islamic community was forced to make their own delegation which was named with the Hijaz Committee, chaired by KH Wahab Hasbullah. At the urging of the boarding schools that collected in the Hejaz Committee, and challenges from all corners of the world's Muslims, then the King Ibn Saud was the idea. The results to date in Mecca encyclopedia conducted worship in accordance with their respective school's international role among the first boarding school, a successful fight for freedom bermazhab and managed to rescue the legacy of history and civilization that is very valuable.
Departure committees and various organizations that are embryonic and ad hoc, then after that will be needed to establish an organization that includes more and more systematically, to anticipate the times. So, after coordination with various scholars, finally emerged agreement to form an organization called Nahdlatul Ulama (Awakening of Ulama) on 16 Rajab 1344 AH (January 13, 1926). The organization is led by KH Hasyim as a Rais Akbar Ash'ari.
To affirm this orgasnisai basic OH, KH Hasyim Ash'ari formulated the Book of Rights Qanun (basic principles), then the book also formulates I'tiqad Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaat. Both books are then embodied in Khittah NU, which serve as a basis and reference NU members in thinking and acting in the field of social, religious and political.

RELIGIOUS ideology
NU Ahlussunah waljama'ah embracing ideology, a mindset that takes a middle course between extremes aqli (rationalist) with the ekstem naqli (scripturalist). Because it was a source of ideas for NU not only the Qur'an, Sunnah, but also use the mind's ability coupled with empirical reality. How to think like that are referred from earlier thinkers such as Abu Hasan al-Ash'ari and Abu Mansur Al-Maturidi in the field of theology, then in the field of four schools of jurisprudence followed the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hanbali. While in the field of Sufism, to develop methods of Al-Ghazali and Junaid al-Baghdadi, who integrate between Sufism with the Shari'a.
Kekhittah ideas back in 1985, is an important momentum to reinterpret doctrine wal ahlussunnah pilgrims, as well as redefine the methods of thinking, both in the field of jurisprudence as well as social. And redefined its relationship with the state of NU. The movement succeeded in re-thinking and arouse the social dynamics within NU.

From an understanding of the principles ahlussunnah wal pilgrims, both in the field of theology, jurisprudence and Sufism, and the empirical experience of the Indonesian nation, then NU kemasyarakatannya formulated as the following attitude:
1Tawassuth, namely moderation is grounded in the principles of justice and trying to avoid any kind of attitude tatharuf (extreme), both in the field of religion and politics, because that attitude leads to the hardness and disintegration.
2Tasamuh, namely a cored siakap tolerant appreciation of differences, cultural identity and plurality. Because only with the attitude that Tasamuh mutual trust and solidarity could be enforced, and this core merpakan s life.
3Tawazun, always trying to create a balance between fellow human beings relationship with Allah, between reason and revelation, and between, individual and collectivity. With this attitude of harmony dlam tawazun both thoughts and actions of life can be realized.

The number of the NU, which is the supporting base is estimated to reach over 40 million people with diverse professions, most of them are ordinary people, both in cities and villages. They have a high kohesifitas because social economy has the same problem, except that they are also very animating doctrine wal ahlususunnah pilgrims. On; Generally, they have strong enough ties with the Islamic world which is a central public education and cultural preservation of NU.
Basisi NU supporters are experiencing a shift, in line with the development and progress of industrialization, the NU residents in the village many who migrate to cities to enter the industrial sector. So if all this time NU stronger base of farmers in the rural sector, so as laborers in the urban sector, is also quite dominant. Similarly, the open educational system, intellectual basisi in NU also increasingly widespread, along with rapid social mobility that occurred over the years.

Prisnsip basic principles proclaimed in NU has been translated into concrete behavior. NU so many take the vanguard in the history of Indonesian people is to show that this organization is dynamically alive and responsive to the times, NU achievements include:
1Menghidupkan back pribumization Islamic movement, sebagimana Walisongo and bequeathed by his predecessor.
2Mempelopori bermazhab freedom struggle in Mecca, which Muslims worldwide can run religion in accordance with their respective schools.
3Mempelopori establishment MIAI (Islamic Majlis A'la Indonesia) in 1937, which later joined to fight the demands of Indonesia berparlemen.
4Memobilisasi physical resistance against the imperialist powers through a Resolution of Jihad that was issued on October 22, 1945
5Berubah into a political party, which succeeded in the election in 1955 ranks third in votes received nationally.
6Memprakarsai Islam Asian-African Conference (KIAA) in 1965 which was attended by representatives from 37 countries.
7Memperlopori cultural Islamic movement and the strengthening of civil society in Indonesia during the decade of the 90s.

Destination Organization
Upholding the teachings of Islam according to the ideology Ahlussunnah waljama'ah in the midst of public life, in the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia.
Business Organizations
In the field of religion, carry out propaganda Islamiyah and increase the sense of brotherhood which is based on the spirit of unity in difference.
In education, provide education in accordance with Islamic values, to form the Muslim devout, virtuous, knowledgeable.
In the field of social culture, working people welfare.

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